The Report to All Saints which can be seen below, was received from the reading team in the Diocese of Oxford after they had considered the responses from our congregation to the questions raised in the Listening Portfolio.

The PMC flyer offers a summary of this information, in conjunction with the points raised in the Congregational Timeline event held last November 2015.

We have listened to you, the All Saints congregation, through these various events.

It is now time to begin the process of Spiritual Discernment which allows us to listen to what God is calling us to do at All Saints Church. We will need to be open to allowing the Spirit to guide us in understanding what plans God is putting in front of us.


Please feel free to either download the pdf file below or read in the viewer.


The file below is the Listening Portfolio with more detailed information covering the Listening Process


 Please feel free to either download the pdf file below or read in the viewer.