10 Days with Roughshod - Riding Lights Theatre Company
Roughshod will be visiting our Schools, Care Homes and other places - the open (some ticketed) events are listed below.
More info on Riding Lights / Roughshod can be found here and here - or in the video on the right.
Do join us for the following events:-
Launch Event Sunday - 18th March at St Luke's (Sundays at Six) - 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Evening service with music and hymns and an opportunity to meet the five Roughshod Players with an introduction and sketch.
Messy Church at the Church of the Good Shepherd - Friday 23rd March - 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Messy Church for Primary School age with Roughshod Sketches
Breakfast with Roughshod at St Luke's - Saturday 24th March - 8:45am - 10:00am
Meet Roughshod over Breakfast with opportunity to discuss and ask questions.
Ticketed event - £3 - Tickets available from Parish Office.
Roughshod Public Performance at St Luke's - Saturday 24th March - Doors 6:40 for 7:00pm start to 9:30pm
An entertaining evening with the Roughshod players.
Mixing comedy, dramatic storytelling, spoken word and the personal experience of the actors themselves, Riding Lights Roughshod deliver a show that asks: what happens when God intervenes in ordinary lives? In an anxious world of mixed messages it can be hard to find truth among the headlines.
Join our five performers for an energetic, entertaining show about faith, hope and everything in between. Five young people in search of their futures reveal some surprising stories of hope in their new faith-filled show for 2018. A passenger on a train gets help from an unexpected stranger, a community is transformed by a shattering lesson, a small time crook gets an offer he can’t refuse….
This event promises to be one of the highlights of Roughshod's 10 day visit to Maidenhead.
Make a note in your diaries and invite your friends!!
Tickets £5 from Eventbright here
The Desborough Suite - Town Hall - 9:45am - 11:30am - Sunday 25th March
All three Churches morning worship will be combined with Roughshod at the Town Hall on Palm Sunday.
The worship will incorporate the Liturgy of Palm Sunday which will commence with the distribution of Palm Crosses as we arrive.
Roughshod will lead "The Peoples Passion" which will be a fitting and contemplative start to Holy Week.
As well as the Joint Worship there will be a Book of Common Prayer Service at 8:00am and also an evening service which will be a Sung Stations of the Cross Service at 6:00pm, at All Saints, open to all.
Please do join us for this wonderful opportunity to begin Holy Week.